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Study sees opportunity for EV peer-to-peer charging which proposes two vehicles can share a charge without having to stop for re-charging.


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A study co-written by a researcher at the University of Kansas School of Engineering suggests a “peer-to-peer” system in which battery-electric vehicles could share a charge.



According to a news release from the University of Kansas, BEVs driving on the road could be matched up to one another via a cloud-based system. The vehicles could continue to travel close to one another and share a charge without having to stop at a charging station. The vehicles would drive at the same locked speed, and charging cables would link the vehicles automatically.

“We’d have a complete cloud-based framework that analyzes the charging state of all participating vehicles in the network, and based on that the cloud tells you, ‘Hey, you can actually pair up with this car which is nearby and share charge,’” said Tamzidul Hoque, assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at KU. “All of this has to be controlled by cloud infrastructure, which has algorithms to efficiently charge all the different BEVs.”

Hoque’s co-authors are Prabuddha Chakraborty, Robert Parker, Jonathan Cruz, Lili Du, Shuo Wang and Swarup Bhunia of the University of Florida.

The researchers propose two batteries in order to execute this plan. They include a lithium-ion battery and a second fast-charging battery for on-the-go use.



“You don’t want cars to stay connected for a very long time because another car might have to change its route and go somewhere else, and you may not get enough time to charge,” Hoque said, according to KU. “That’s why we’ve developed the concept of multi-level battery to reduce charging time.”

The researchers also suggest implementing mobile charging stations in areas with higher densities that would be able to recharge multiple vehicles simultaneously.



Article Credit to ADAPT Automotive.


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