CRA Tools & Equipment News – Canada 

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North York, Ontario. Did you know weld fumes can cause adverse health problems?

Weld fumes can cause nausea, dizziness, or eye, nose, and throat irritation from short term exposure or cancer and nervous system or kidney damage if exposure is prolonged.

Eurovac, a company that specializes in dust and fume extraction systems, has developed a new fume extraction system called ‘Boxair.’ The Eurovac ‘Boxair’ fume extractor has been designed to keep workers safe from weld fumes and is a perfect option for facilities that require a continuous duty fume extraction system.

With superior filtration, this unit generates 600 CFM with its powerful 1HP fan. The eliminator comes standard with an initial spark arrestor and secondary cartridge filter. Optional HEPA filtration can also be added.

Eurovac has products that include portable and central high vacuum systems, high volume dust collectors, wet collectors, downdraft tables, fume extraction arms, portable fume extractors, pressure washers, vehicle, and transit cleaning systems, as well as a complete line of tubing and fitting, vacuum hoses, source capture sanding, and cleaning tools.

For more information, call 1-800-265-3878 or email at

Article Credit to Collision Repair Magazine.