
CRA Business Resources Explored – USA

By Annie Pilon

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Small businesses usually don’t have a ton of time and resources to focus on growth. So they need to find the most applicable tasks to prioritize. Members of the online small business community have been through this. Here are some of their top tips for making the most of limited resources.

Consider a Google Only Marketing Approach

Small businesses sometimes don’t have the resources to dedicate to multiple marketing channels. So what should you prioritize? In this GatherUp post, Mike Blumenthal details how a Google-only marketing approach has worked.

Conduct a Speedy Social Media Audit

There’s no point in trying tons of different social media techniques if just a few of them work. That’s why it’s so important to audit your social channels regularly. This Sprout Social post by Brent Barnhart includes a template and tips for doing just that.

Find the Best Working Model for Your Business

Different businesses and teams tend to operate differently. Trying to force your team into a model that isn’t optimized for them can be counterproductive. Ivan Widjaya goes over some of the options in this SMB CEO so you can find the version that works best for your business.

Grow Your Business Fast with These SEO Tools

The right tools can make marketing your business easy. If you’re looking to improve SEO, try the tools listed in this post by Adam Connell. Then head over to the BizSugar community to see what members are saying.

Visualize the User Experience

If you understand the user experience, you can more effectively dedicate your resources to things that move the needle. There’s a new tool out of beta that may help small businesses achieve this goal. Learn more in this Search Engine Land post by George Nguyen.

Learn How Influencer Marketing Can Help Small Businesses

Influencer marketing can be a major benefit for small businesses, since it allows you to leverage a large, relevant audience. So it can be an efficient way to market a business even if you have few resources. Check out this DIY Marketers post by Alma Causey to learn more.

Perform an Annual Business Review

If you want to focus on the tasks that are most impactful for your business, you first need to identify those areas. An annual business review can help you determine what’s working and what isn’t. In this CorpNet post, Nellie Akalp lists the various aspects of this type of review so you can perform one for your business.

Turn Marketing Fears into Successes

Business owners tend to have lots of fears about things that could go wrong. Instead of worrying about these things, there may be ways to turn them into successes. Lane Ellis explores some common fears and how to turn them around in this TopRank Marketing post.

Find the Right Balance

Business owners need to manage both their company and their life. Finding the right balance can be especially difficult during the current pandemic. Rachel Strella of Strella Social Media discusses it here. And members of the BizSugar community weighed in with comments here.

Consider Pros and Cons of Bot Content

More and more companies are starting to use bots to create and distribute content. This can make the process easier for companies with limited time and resources. But there are additional considerations to make. Learn more in this Social Media HQ post by Christian Zilles.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Article Credit to Small Business Trends.