CRA Motoring & Public Safety – South Africa

By Val van der Walt 

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Staying alert and aware of your surroundings will give you time to react appropriately.

SAFETY on the roads, especially during the holiday season, is of utmost importance to ensure you reach your destination safely.

Here are some road safety tips that, when put into practise, will help prevent tragedy.

When on the road, teach yourself to look ahead, around you and behind, to recognise possible dangerous situations which may lead to an accident.

A dangerous situation can be anything – two trucks up ahead, the driver next to you talking on his phone, someone driving erratically, a car travelling too slowly on the highway, an overloaded bakkie, a cyclist and so on.

Upon identifying such a dangerous situation or driver, the first step to take is to put distance between yourself and the problem.

Either slow down to let them pass or speed up – responsibly though – in order to be out of the way should something happen.

A driver must always be aware of what’s going on around him and constantly scan rear and side mirrors.

Staying alert and aware of your surroundings will give you time to react appropriately.

Article Credit To Zululand Observer.