CRA Marketing Explored – South Africa

By Nakedi Phala

In order for a public relations campaign to be excellent and achieve success, you need to put in that little bit of extra effort to get the results that you desire. The success of your campaign is essentially dependent on the work you’ve put in, which is why going the extra mile, just for assurance, is always worth it!

Media Update’s Nakedi Phala reveals what makes for an excellent PR campaign. 

As a PR pro, you need to think thoroughly about what you need to say and how you say it. Just as you wouldn’t talk about burial packages at a pensioner’s event, you also wouldn’t want to talk about knitting to university law graduates. 

It’s all about selecting the right resources, conducting an audience analysis report and creating good and relevant content in order to deliver a world-class campaign. 

With that in mind, here are the four factors that make for the best PR campaigns: 

1. An excellent PR campaign is well researched

In order for a campaign to succeed, a PR pro needs to conduct vast research about the industry and the audience that the topic will relate to. 

As the saying goes, “To cure the cause, you must first understand the cause”. If you’re putting together a campaign that, for example, aims to fight gender-based violence against women and children, you would first need to conduct research on case studies, statistics and maybe even laws and regulations in order to distribute an initiative that is deemed as credible. 

This is essential because poorly researched campaigns have a higher chance of missing the mark. And the higher chance of this happening, the higher the chance that the campaign will be taken offensively or interpreted in ways that you otherwise wouldn’t have intended. 

So, before taking leads from any source to put together a campaign, remember to conduct in-depth research and to use relevant and credible information. 

2. They exude creativity 

Creativity is what’s going to make audiences engage with your campaign. This means that you need to dig deep into all the corners of your creative basket and bring out the most of your campaign through unique and compelling elements. 

Let’s suppose that you’re responsible for a road safety campaign, titled ‘Drive Sober’. The brief was at the request of the department of transport and an alcohol beverage company. Sounds a little bit tricky, right? 

It’s really not once you allow yourself to be creative. In order to do that, you need to consider all the resources at your disposal. For example, you can use accident wrecked cars to display on some common high accident routes, accompanied by a message of caution.

Additionally, you can have rest areas like filling stations where you can set up and educate motorists about road safety and the consequences of drunk driving. To top it all off, everyone loves free stuff; seal things up with non-alcoholic beverages that are provided by your client. 

Being creative allows you to be resourceful in your campaign. It also allows you to be impactful, memorable and to serve clients without comprising anyone’s brand. 

3. Excellent campaigns are unique 

It’s time to be ‘new’ and a little bit unorthodox, if your client’s brand allows for it. You should aim to give your client’s audience something they won’t stop talking about. In order to achieve this, you should create something that will be ‘first’ and brilliant. 

Let’s take a look at the Nando’s ‘Art Initiative’, for example. One may ask: Why is a chicken restaurant franchise dealing in the business of art? The answer? It wanted its branding to be unique from competitors. At the same time, the restaurant has been benefiting artists in the process. Its campaign was not only what the brand needed, but it also gave local artists the platform that their industry needed. 

Nando’s did this by offering artists the space to create art, interaction groups and a way for artists to network with other artists and buyers. 

Additionally, Nando’s has partnered with professional art curators to help artists sell their art. The brand itself has also bought art to use for its branding and marketing.

4. They are newsworthy 

If a campaign is new, trending or from a credible source, then it can most definitely be considered as newsworthy. You need to create a campaign that journalists would want to write and inform their audiences about. 

Therefore, when you’re about to write your press release, first think about what signifies your campaign: what are its values and what is its core message? In your presser, pick an angle where you focus on the most important and most relevant factors. 

Beyond the body of the content, you need to ensure that you have an eye-catching headline. The headline is like the tagline, so make sure that it’s a catchy one that’s not click-bait. Your information must flow like a story so as to increase the chances of your press release being published or feedback. However, it is vital to keep your text as succinct, simple and factual as possible.

Finally, make sure that your press release is accompanied by all the other necessary content. This generally consists of relevant images, formidable video clips and quotes if there are any available from relevant stakeholders. 

Creating an exclusive and notable PR campaign is the best way to send out the correct message to your client’s audiences. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments section below. 

Article Credit to Media Update.