CRA Training News – Canada
Toronto, Ontario — AkzoNobel will be offering an online educational series for the months of July, August and September, honouring its commitment to be a “total business partner with its Acoat Selected customers.”
AkzoNobel’s Canadian Summer Educational Series will include, bi-weekly sessions discussing the latest trends and solutions to support the collision repair industry.
Each hour-long session will be held on a Wednesday, and will begin at 1 p.m (EST). The online sessions will be held on the following dates July 22, Aug. 5, Aug. 19, Sept. 2, Sept. 16, Sept. 30.
Azobel’s breakdown of each session is as follows:
Break-Even Analysis, July 22
This session is designed for shop owners that look for answers. This webinar will explain how to figure out your break even point, and what to do with it.
The Math Behind Estimating, Aug. 5
This online session will teach participants how to understand the profitability of common estimate writing styles. Overviewing the various techniques available to create fair and reasonable estimates and appraisals, while appreciating and understanding the importance of measuring sales mix.
“Getting Them Right,“ Aug. 19
Communication is a daily challenge every collision repairer must face. This session will help you and your staff learn how to effectively communicate with each other to better understand one another and work more cohesively as a team.
Carbeat, Sept. 2
This session will focus on how to improve communication and efficiency using Carbeat, AkzoNobel’s digital process control solution. Carbeat, is designed to improve communication and production efficiency for individual body shops and multi-shop operators. The engine behind this digital solution is a powerful workflow application based on proven technology. It connects all data needed to accommodate an easy flow of cars, activities, parts, materials and information. It pro-actively answers operational questions, serving front-office staff, repair technicians, Repair planners and shop management. Since it runs in the cloud, it requires no installation or high-end technical knowledge to implement and sustain. Despite its ease of use, Carbeat is highly customizable, making it a natural extension of any workflow.
KPIs and BodyShop Math, Sept. 16
As part of a KPI review as a shop owner or manager have you ever been told that you should do better? Do you understand the different drivers of common KPIs out there? This session will delve into topics such as calculating KPIs, as well as understanding and applying body shop math to your business.
Lean Journey, Sept. 30
Whether you are a Lean practitioner or would like to be, the challenges are very real. This session will explore the different paths to success and common hurdles that will have to be overcome in order to drive your business forward.
These sessions are intended for AkzoNobel AcoatSelected Members. To register, please contact your local AkzoNobel Representative.
Credit to Collision Repair Magazine.