CRA Business Marketing Explored – USA
By Annie Pilon
If you run a small business for long enough, you’ll need to change the way you think about certain concepts. From customer data to marketing strategies, making adjustments can help you stay relevant. Check out the tips below from members of the online small business community for changing your mindset.
Take a Fresh Look at Consumer Data
Businesses rely on data to draw conclusions about customer behavior. But as times change, you may also need to change the way you look at that data. In this Marketing Land post, Rodric Bradford explores the concept of consumer data during the age of COVID-19.
Think Strategically About Your Content Model
Lots of businesses use content marketing in some way. But do you have an actual content model? If you haven’t thought strategically about this concept yet, it may be time to do so. Robert Rose elaborates in this Content Marketing Institute post.
Grow Your Business with These SMS Marketing Statistics
SMS marketing can be an effective way to communicate with customers. If you haven’t considered this method for your business, learning the facts may help. Jessica Pereira lists some essential statistics in this Startup Bonsai post. You can also see commentary about the post over on BizSugar.
Include Effective Storytelling in Your B2B Marketing
Storytelling is a common tactic in B2C marketing. But it can be powerful when marketing to other businesses as well. In this TopRank Marketing post, Nick Nelson outlines how B2B businesses can make use of this tactic.
Make the Most of Your Budget
Every small business has a budget. So how you spend that money can go a long way toward determining your success. If you want to make the most of your budget, check out the tips in this SMB CEO post by Jonathan Merry.
Get More From Social Media
Many businesses already use social media in some way. But not all of them make the most of these platforms. To build a successful strategy, you may need to think like a TV network. Brent Csutoras explains in this Search Engine Journal post.
Create a Successful YouTube Channel
Some businesses include videos on their website and social media pages. But YouTube can be its own marketing channel. If you’re ready to create a successful YouTube channel, read the tips in this Pixel Productions post by Steve Conway. Then see what members of the BizSugar community are saying about the post here.
Learn Branding Lessons from a Viral Music Sensation
Business owners can learn valuable lessons from a variety of sources. Some may seem a bit unexpected — like viral video sensations. But Christian Zilles dives into this concept in a recent Social Media HQ post.
Set Up Microsoft Bing Shopping Campaigns for E-Commerce
Google is the king of online search ads. But it’s not the only player in town. If you want to rethink your online advertising strategy, you might consider Bing. Neil Patel offers thoughts and tips on the platform in this post.
Use These Low-Budget Marketing Ideas
Marketing your business doesn’t need to be expensive. If you want to stick to a strict budget but still make an impact, consider the ideas in this Crowdspring post by Ashlee Brayfield.
If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to: sbtips@gmail.com.
Credit to Small Business Trends.